Corn seeds from Mig farm are of high quality and deliciousness. Corn can be grown in open fields and greenhouses. The best types of corn to grow in the UAE can be obtained through Mig Farm, where the seeds are studied and tested before being put on the market.
sweet corn Indian F1
The first sweet corn with festive colored kernels. Indian Summer kernels are yellow, white, red or purple. It is a sh2 supersweet corn that requires isolation from other corn pollen. Indian Summer ears are large about 8 inches and gardeners need to check the corn silk for maturity about 79 days from sowing seed. As the ears of corn mature, the color develops. Indian Summer festive colors actually intensify as the ear cooks. Gourmet cooks will serve this tender, delicious sweet corn for the flavor and unique colorful presentation.
Dhs. 23.75
Premium quality seeds Sweet Corn Best for home gardeners
Dhs. 5.00