Ice Radish
Size: 2 g A productive variety, ripening occurs in 35-40 days. The roots are spindle-shaped, white, 10-14 cm long, weighing 30-50 g. The pulp is white, very juicy and tasty, slightly spicy. The variety is resistant to budding.Planting location: loose fertile neutral soils. Placed after cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, onions, dill, parsley. It is not recommended to sow after cruciferous plantsLighting: abundant, in deep shade it produces long tops and a small root crop Sowing in the ground: sow in furrows, lay out the seeds on moistened soil in furrows 1.5-2.5 cm deep, sprinkle with earth, compact, water abundantly. It is recommended to cover the crops with covering material until the development of the first true leaves. The distance between plants is 5-7 cm, between rows 10-15 cm Care: when the first true leaf appears, the seedlings are thinned out, leaving a distance of 6-8 cm between plants. The use of fresh organic fertilizers for radishes is not recommended, as they cause hollowness and rotting of the root crop
Dhs. 12.00
Red cheeks beets
package size:2 g A mid-season, high-yielding (125-130 days) variety. The roots are round, dark red, weighing 200-350 g. The flesh is dark red, without rings, juicy and tender. It is stored well.Planting location: prefers fertile, loose, neutral soils. Sowing is carried out after tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, peas, beansLighting: abundant, does not tolerate shadingPre-sowing preparation: not required Sowing in the ground: seeds are sown to a depth of 2-4 cm. To obtain large root crops, the planting pattern is 20x45 cm. For medium and small root crops, sowing is carried out at a distance of 3-4 cm between plants and is not thinned out Care: regular but moderate watering is required. Responds well to the introduction of phosphorus and potassium fertilizers, sensitive to boron deficiency. When laying for storage, root crops are sprinkled with moistened sand
Dhs. 15.00
Dhs. 25.00
Red Radish Champion is a large Cherry Belle type radish. The bright-red roots of this vegetable average 1 to 1 1/2 inches in diameter with firm mild flesh. Grows large without getting pithy and holds well. This variety is resistant to cold temperatures, and is great for early or late plantings. Matures in 20 to 30 days. Germination 85% Purity 99.9% Inert 001%
Dhs. 25.00
Long white radish is a reliable harvest. The root is all white, 16″ long, 2.5″ in diameter and weighs around 2 lbs. It has moderate heat and cold tolerance. Recommended for late spring to early summer harvest and early winter harvest. Excellent for home garden and market growers.
Dhs. 25.00
RADISH American 50g
Thin radishes to 1-3 inches apart in row with rows 12 inches apart. Plant 2-3 weeks before the last frost in spring and again in early September for fall production. Radishes taste best when grown in cool weather. Avoid water or fertilizer stress during growth.
Dhs. 23.75
leaves RADISH SHARJAH 200g
Radish seeds are quick and easy to grow and are a tasty addition to salads and roasted vegetable plates. Some varieties mature in one season, while others are over-wintered and produce seed in the second season. It is a great source of vitamin C. Radishes are also delicious pickled, roasted, sautéed, and grated.
Dhs. 14.25
Beet 50 g
•The seeds are sown at a depth of 1.5 to 2 cm and a distance of 6 to 7 cm is maintained between them. •The minimum distance between each row should be 35 cm. •Continuous irrigation is required for efficient and effective beetroot cultivation. •It takes about 15 days before the seedlings start appearing above the ground.
Dhs. 19.00
Turnip, Violet Top from Milan. The most popular turnip in Italy. It has a flat, red/purple top above soil line and a white bottom. The greens are nice also. Excellent, very sweet taste and texture.
Dhs. 5.00
Bablo Beets F1
Seeds : 1 g Leader in the quality of root crops. It is distinguished by an ideal combination of root shape and cross-section color. Mid-season hybrid. The period from germination to harvest is 110-115 days. The rosette of leaves is erect and small. The root vegetable is round, smooth, dark red in color, the “tail” is thin, weighing 220-250 g. Diameter 10-13 cm. The pulp is intensely colored, without division into ring zones. Stores well. Resistant to bolting. The seeds are treated with thiram and do not require soaking.
Dhs. 12.00
Dhs. 15.00
Dhs. 16.00