Various supplies
Grafting Tape:Grafting Film Grafting Stretchable Tape, Stretchable Nursery Grafting Films for Floristry Plants Repair, Moisture Barrier for Garden Trees Fruit Vegetable Flower
Dhs. 12.00
32 Holes Plastic Seedling Starter Trays Plant Flower Pots Nursery Grow Box Tray Plug Planting Planter Container
Dhs. 4.00
Seed Planting Tray (50 cells)
Dhs. 4.50
Pressure sprayer STILLA 5 L
Pressure sprayer for disinfection and disinfestation of 5 litersThis sprayer used in different contexts, does not require any additional accessory and it is in compliance with current regulations.The Bertani line sprayers are built with the same materials as the sprayers used for the treatment of plants, and are recommended for the disinfection and disinfestation of environments.
Dhs. 80.00
Plastic Plant LabelsPlant Labels It's Time to Start Your Own Garden!Do your plant have a name?Plant labels lead you understand the world of plants Do you want to record the growth of plants? Plant labels help you to keep the track of the seedlings.
Dhs. 1.50
75 liters Large Non-Woven Grow BagsReusable Thickened Durable AerationFabric Pot with Reinforced Handles Black
Dhs. 20.00
خطافات دعم الطماطم وغيرها ، خطافات تعريشة دوارة مع خيوط 15 مترًا للزراعة الداخلية و في البيوت المحمية : من مميزاتهاسهلة الإستعمال وتعتبر مهمه جدا للمزارعينتوفر الوقت والجهد على المزارعيمكن أستخدامها لعدة سنوات بالأمكان تنظيفها بسهولةخيوطها ناعمة على نباتاتك وتختلف عن الخيوط العادية مما يأدي إلى عدم تجريح النبات
Dhs. 2.50
Seed Sprouter Tray with Drain Holes Seed Germination Microgreens
صينية مع غطاء: الحفاظ على الحرارة والرطوبة، معدل تبرعم مرتفع وتنمو بشكل أسرع. السعة الكبيرة يمكن أن تجعل البذور تنمو بشكل أفضل وأسرع، بدون تربة، فقط ماء، حتى المبتدئين في الحديقة يمكنهم أن ينبت الفاصوليا بسهولة. ☆نصيحة: يرجى عدم وضع الكثير من البذور على الطبق لتجنب تداخلها وتصبح متعفنة. مادة آمنة وفاخرة: مصنوعة من مادة البولي بروبيلين الجديدة الآمنة غذائيًا والخالية من البيسفينول أ وآمنة ومتينة وغير سامة وعديمة الرائحة ومتينة للاستخدام. مقاس الصينية السفلية 32 × 24 × 12 سم، استمتع ببراعم صحية للسلطات والسندويشات والحساء وعصير عشب القمح! استخدام واسع: يمكن لصينية الحضانة أن تنبت أنواعًا متعددة من البذور، مثل فول الصويا والحنطة السوداء وعشب القمح والبامية والفول السوداني والبازلاء الخضراء والفجل والبرسيم والبروكلي. من السهل على المبتدئين زراعة الخضروات الصغيرة. بالنسبة للبذور الصغيرة مثل البرسيم أو البروكلي، استخدم أوراق الإنبات المتاحة على السلة الشبكية قبل إنبات البذور.
Dhs. 30.00
45 liters Large bag Non-Woven Grow BagsReusable Thickened Durable AerationFabric Pot with Reinforced Handles Black
Dhs. 15.00
Tomato clips, also known as body clips, tomato trellis clips, and garden clips, are greenhouse accessories which are widely used in commercial greenhouses and gardens to fix plants to netting, plant supports, plant ladders, and twine trellises speedily and easily.It can reduce labor intensity and increase efficiency. Easy to harvest, low cost. Mainly used for solanaceous vegetable and melon vines hanging fixed and high seedling. Easy to fasten tomatoes, cucumbers, pepper, melon, watermelon, pumpkin, and other vining plants to a trellis or wire, easy to fix and remove. To prevent vines breaking. Can be used repeatedly without damage. Studry and durable plastic material, not easy be broken. Resistant to wind, rain, makes vegetable grow better 1. Promote better air circulation and minimize disease risks. Air circulation is improved by using tomato trellis clips which have ventilated design. With improved air circulation, risk of fungal diseases, which caused from less moisture and air flow, such as Botrytis fungus, is minimized.2. One clip can be used in many plants throughout multiple growing seasons. Because of quick-release feature of plant clips, it is easy to move and reuse them. When plants grow bigger, tomato clips can be easily taken from expanded plant and moved to new plants or stems with the least effort and harm to plant stems.3. Trellis clips can be used throughout multiple growing seasons in a year. It is not applicable to all kinds of tomato clips, but clips with UV stabilizer, which Harvests supplies, have longer life. UV stabilizer protects clips from the long-term damages of UV light and this feature allows to use body clips for more than one growing season in a year.4. Optimize time and labor when comparing with other trellising methods. It is very practical to install tomato clips, because of easy-to-close feature. With only one hand about 1500 clips can be installed in an hour and it is obvious that it saves time and labor in greenhouses.5. Maximize greenhouse growing space. Tomato clips are perfect tools for growing vertically. They are fastened to twine trellises in greenhouses, which enable vertical growing. With growing vertically, plants cover less area while growers harvest more yields. Vertical growing makes leaves and fruits reachable for pruning and harvesting. Plants can be checked, maintained and adjusted for pruning, pollination and harvesting easily and rapidly thanks to easy-to-open and non-slippery features of tomato clips.How do greenhouse growers use tomato's clips ?Even though this type of clips is usually called tomato clips, growers can benefit from garden clips in many plants such as cucumbers, peppers, melons, beans, flowers (especially in roses) and other vine crops.As stated above, it is very easy to install tomato clips, but there are some points that should be taken into consideration. First of all, clips should be placed in the right parts of plants. Tomato clips can be put in the plant stem, just below the leaf, but before the Flex Truss or arch cluster support. The place below the leaf is usually called Y junction, so the most effective place for tomato clip installation is Y junction. Tomato trellising clips can be used in other parts of the plant as Why do greenhouse growers need to use Tomato clips?The main advantages of tomato trellis clips are listed below:well, depending on the situation.To install, tomato clips are simply snapped to netting, twine trellis, or plant ladders and supports, and softly close around the stems of the plant. An average of 10-20 clips are used per plant during long-term growth. In short-term growth, growers use 5-10 clips for each plant. To put approximately 20 cm (7.87 inch) between clips is recommended.
Dhs. 5.00 - Dhs. 100.00
Gardening Gloves Made of a cotton blend.Elastic cuff for a better fit.Heavy-duty and high-quality.Free Size قفازات البستنةمصنوعة من مزيج القطن.سوار مرن لملاءمة أفضل.ثقيلة وعالية الجودة.مقاس حر
Dhs. 5.00
Medium shovel
Shovel for Digging 28-inch Small Round Shovel with D-HandleKids Metal Beach Garden ShovelGardening Tools Wooden Handel
Dhs. 25.00