The colorful bird grass
Size: 10 g An optimally selected cereal mixture for feathered pets, a rich vitamin supplement to feed. Fresh greens have a beneficial effect on their health, especially during the period of laying eggs and feeding chicks, improves the overall health and mood of birds.
Dhs. 15.00
Seed Sprouter Tray with Drain Holes Seed Germination Microgreens
صينية مع غطاء: الحفاظ على الحرارة والرطوبة، معدل تبرعم مرتفع وتنمو بشكل أسرع. السعة الكبيرة يمكن أن تجعل البذور تنمو بشكل أفضل وأسرع، بدون تربة، فقط ماء، حتى المبتدئين في الحديقة يمكنهم أن ينبت الفاصوليا بسهولة. ☆نصيحة: يرجى عدم وضع الكثير من البذور على الطبق لتجنب تداخلها وتصبح متعفنة. مادة آمنة وفاخرة: مصنوعة من مادة البولي بروبيلين الجديدة الآمنة غذائيًا والخالية من البيسفينول أ وآمنة ومتينة وغير سامة وعديمة الرائحة ومتينة للاستخدام. مقاس الصينية السفلية 32 × 24 × 12 سم، استمتع ببراعم صحية للسلطات والسندويشات والحساء وعصير عشب القمح! استخدام واسع: يمكن لصينية الحضانة أن تنبت أنواعًا متعددة من البذور، مثل فول الصويا والحنطة السوداء وعشب القمح والبامية والفول السوداني والبازلاء الخضراء والفجل والبرسيم والبروكلي. من السهل على المبتدئين زراعة الخضروات الصغيرة. بالنسبة للبذور الصغيرة مثل البرسيم أو البروكلي، استخدم أوراق الإنبات المتاحة على السلة الشبكية قبل إنبات البذور.
Dhs. 30.00
Spicy Micro Mix
Microgreen SeedExclusive! Spicy, easy-to-grow mix.A colorful blend of red and green mustards with various textures. Based on our yield trial, we recommend seeding 7.5 gm per tray at approx. 3.5 flats per oz of seed. LATINE NAME BRASSICA SPP DAYS TO MATURITY 10-15 DAYS LIFE CYCLE ANNAUL GROWING INFORMATION CULTURE: Grow in a greenhouse or protected area. Follow the germination guidelines for the specific variety being grown. However, you can generally be successful by following the guidelines for Brassica family members: grow on potting mix or soilless medium of your choice in shallow trays or 20-row flats. Broadcast seed thickly on the media surface with seeds 1/8- 1/4" apart, press seeds firmly into media for maximum soil contact, and cover lightly with sowing mix, vermiculite, or humidity dome. Microgreens can be germinated on heat mats, in germination chambers, or on greenhouse benches or floors.WATERING: Bottom water or mist to prevent sowing mix from splashing on the seedlings. Maintain even moisture and do not allow sowing medium to dry out.TEMPERATURE: Ideal soil temperature is 75°F (24°C) until germination, then reduced to 60°F (16°C). Optimal ambient temperatures are variety-specific, but 65–75°F (18–24°C) is generally a favorable range. Temperatures above 75°F can increase disease pressure and inhibit germination.LIGHTING: Consider supplemental lighting in any environment where natural light is insufficient, such as in a greenhouse during the short days of winter.FERTILIZER: For media that hold some fertility, such as potting mix, plain water is usually best. Watering with a dilute fertilizer solution is appropriate for media with no inherent nutrient value, or for slow-growing species that might exhaust fertility before reaching harvest stage. If fertilizing, incorporate fertilizer into the sowing mix before sowing, or use a bottom watering system for liquid applications to avoid residue on the leaves.DAYS TO MATURITY: Varies depending on the variety, growing conditions, and desired size at harvest. Fast-growing varieties are typically ready for harvest in 10-15 days while slow-growing varieties are ready in 16-25 days.DISEASES: Because they are planted so densely, microgreens can be prone to disorders, such as damping off, associated with poor air circulation and saturated media. Ensure air movement with horizontal airflow fans, use clean media and water sources, and use appropriate seeding density.HARVEST: Harvest once have fully developed, or once the first true leaves begin to emerge, depending upon your market. Typically, microgreens are harvested at 1/2-2" in height. Cut with scissors or a sharp knife and minimize handling to reduce damage.STORAGE: Shelf life ranges from 5-10 days under proper storage conditions. Microgreens must be washed before serving.
Dhs. 17.00 - Dhs. 27.00
Kale, Kalefetti Mix
Exclusive! Vivid kale colors.An easy way for kale-lovers to get a daily dose. We formulated this highly attractive microgreen mixture for appearance and overall performance at the micro growth stage. Includes a variety of leaf types and textures in various shades and colors: bright green, dark green, and purple with green, pink, and purple stems. Mild kale flavor. LATINE NAME BRASSICA SPP. DAYS TO MATURITY 10-15 DAYS LIFE CYCLE ANNAUL GROWING INFORMATION CULTURE: Grow in a greenhouse or protected area. Follow the germination guidelines for the specific variety being grown. However, you can generally be successful by following the guidelines for Brassica family members: grow on potting mix or soilless medium of your choice in shallow trays or 20-row flats. Broadcast seed thickly on the media surface with seeds 1/8- 1/4" apart, press seeds firmly into media for maximum soil contact, and cover lightly with sowing mix, vermiculite, or humidity dome. Microgreens can be germinated on heat mats, in germination chambers, or on greenhouse benches or floors.WATERING: Bottom water or mist to prevent sowing mix from splashing on the seedlings. Maintain even moisture and do not allow sowing medium to dry out.TEMPERATURE: Ideal soil temperature is 75°F (24°C) until germination, then reduced to 60°F (16°C). Optimal ambient temperatures are variety-specific, but 65–75°F (18–24°C) is generally a favorable range. Temperatures above 75°F can increase disease pressure and inhibit germination.LIGHTING: Consider supplemental lighting in any environment where natural light is insufficient, such as in a greenhouse during the short days of winter.FERTILIZER: For media that hold some fertility, such as potting mix, plain water is usually best. Watering with a dilute fertilizer solution is appropriate for media with no inherent nutrient value, or for slow-growing species that might exhaust fertility before reaching harvest stage. If fertilizing, incorporate fertilizer into the sowing mix before sowing, or use a bottom watering system for liquid applications to avoid residue on the leaves.DAYS TO MATURITY: Varies depending on the variety, growing conditions, and desired size at harvest. Fast-growing varieties are typically ready for harvest in 10-15 days while slow-growing varieties are ready in 16-25 days.DISEASES: Because they are planted so densely, microgreens can be prone to disorders, such as damping off, associated with poor air circulation and saturated media. Ensure air movement with horizontal airflow fans, use clean media and water sources, and use appropriate seeding density.HARVEST: Harvest once have fully developed, or once the first true leaves begin to emerge, depending upon your market. Typically, microgreens are harvested at 1/2-2" in height. Cut with scissors or a sharp knife and minimize handling to reduce damage.STORAGE: Shelf life ranges from 5-10 days under proper storage conditions. Microgreens must be washed before serving.
Dhs. 25.00 - Dhs. 39.00