Number of seeds: 12
Early ripening (105-115 days) hybrid for film shelters. The plant is semi-spreading, up to 170 cm high. The fruits are oval, slightly glossy, bright lilac in technical ripeness, brown in biological ripeness, weighing 230-260 g. The pulp is snow-white, does not darken, without bitterness. It is distinguished by a high sugar content in the fruits, has excellent taste qualities, is excellent for pickling and salting. It tolerates temperature changes and adverse weather conditions, suitable for growing in northern regions.
Planting location: prefers fertile, loose, neutral soils
Lighting: abundant, does not tolerate shading
Pre-sowing preparation: does not require preparation
Sowing time: 75-80 days before planting
Sowing for seedlings: seeds are laid out on leveled and compacted warm, very moist soil in seedling boxes or individual containers. Sprinkle with a 0.8-1 cm layer of soil and compact well, carefully water with warm water. Crops are covered with transparent film or glass. The optimum soil temperature for seed germination is +25-27°C. When the first loops of shoots appear, remove the cover; if there is insufficient lighting, provide additional lighting to prevent the seedlings from stretching.
Care: the soil under the plants should always remain moist. After watering, loosen the soil around the plants. Top dressing is carried out in the presence of symptoms of nutritional deficiencies. When growing in a greenhouse, ventilation must be provided.