.Golden-yellow fruits bring colorful salad creations
.Smooth surface, particularly cut-resistant
.Excellent in taste
.Early maturing variety
.Brand quality exclusively from Dehner
A royal treat
Like all Dehner seeds, the Dehner 'Golden Queen' tomato seed is easy to use and an ideal basis for tasty and healthy vegetables.
The 'Golden Queen' tomato contains vitamins A, B2, C and P. And as the name suggests, a truly royal treat awaits you here.
germination time: 6 - 12 day(s)
Location: warm, sunny
soil condition: nutritious, humic
Sowing/planting depth: 1 cm
fertilization: multiple fertilizer applications necessary
brand: stretcher
Quality: brand quality
Content is enough for approx: 80 plants
Contents: 1 gram